Let´s Bake! Camp

Místo Kosénka
Věk 18–30 let
Cena bez poplatku
Kontaktní osoba Veronika Vlačuhová
+420 607 018 387
Web akce: drive.google.com
Akce je vhodná i pro ty, co s námi jedou poprvé.

Co na nás čeká

Let’s Bake is all about the recipes of life, and the recipes for life. Everything can be deconstructed into processes, patterns, and step-by-step approaches to reach our goals. Whether it’s mental health, friendships, love, or art, everything in this world follows its own recipe.

Co, kde a jak

During Let's Bake Camp we’ll take the time to break down essential ideas that we often overlook or forget. We’ll explore concepts like Ikigai, the Japanese philosophy that helps people find meaning and direction in life. More than anything, we want to create a space for open discussion, where everyone can exchange ideas, grow, and discover new perspectives. A place that feels both comforting and inspiring, a moment to rest, reflect, and build something meaningful together. The event is planned for 20 participants (10 from the Czech Republic and 10 from the rest of the world 🌍), who will be selected primarily based on their motivation. Together we will experience 14 unforgettable days full of meaningful work for nature in the region of Wallachia. During Let ́s Bake Camp we will focus mainly on the area of psychohygiene and our well-being but surely we will also play and make lifetime memories .

  • Ubytování: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MMwbn57oxirCcGYrJx7qP29xjAjQI1C_/view
  • Strava: veganská

Dobrovolnická pomoc

What can be better than taking care of something so prescious like “baby trees”? Work will cover various maintenance and conservation work in the nearby forest nursery and meadows . We sure will take care of the Kosénka eco-centre building and premises as well so the eco-centre can continue with their good work in the future. Kosénka is the nature conservation organisation based in

Valasske Klobouky. It has been taking care of the local forests and meadows for 50 years. Thanks to involving locals, professionals, activists, enthusiasts and volunteers like you, they have been able to carefully manage and preserve healthy and biodiverse ecosystems and have managed to maintain a sustainable balance between people and nature, culture and wilderness.

Na akci budeme pracovat 10 dní, každý den zhruba 6 hodin.

Malá ochutnávka

  • The event will be in English (but no worries, we'll all be in this together to help with the translation and support each other)
  • At the end of this experience you will receive a valuable Youth Pass Certificate
  • All participants will be involved in the preparation of food and maintaining housekeeping
  • We will reimburse your travel up to your budget based on the distance band - Green Travel Mandatory
  • Each participant will be supported with 6eur/day in the form of pocket money (to be paid on the last day of the activity)

Organizační tým

Těší se na tebe Karolína, Brice, Célio a Veronika.
Pořádá HB


Kontaktní osoba: Veronika Vlačuhová
E-mail: international@brontosaurus.cz
Telefon: +420 607 018 387
Webová stránka: odkaz