High As Giraffe

Místo Alinkov
Věk 18–29 let
Cena bez poplatku
Kontaktní osoba Jana Scheerová
+420 734 392 735
Web akce: drive.google.com
Akce je vhodná i pro ty, co s námi jedou poprvé.

Tato akce již proběhla.
Buď se vrať se zpět, nebo se podívej co se chystá.

Co na nás čeká

You don ́t have plans for the summer yet and does a new experience tempt you? Do you want to meet people from all over the world and at the same time help a monument?

Come and join us on a camp where you will climb out of your shell to meet new people, try new things, and get busy as a bee helping to restore an old anabaptist residence.

Don’t be an ostrich and sign up for the High as Giraffe Camp to look over the horizon!

Co, kde a jak

High as a Giraffe is a great opportunity to meet new people and better understand their origins. Together, we will experience 14 days full of adventures, volunteer work, new experiences, and, most importantly, new friendships. You also get a tremendous opportunity to learn more about local culture and traditions. The camp is designed to learn more about the cultures of other



The event is planned for 20 participants (10 from the Czech Republic and 10 from the rest of the world), who will be selected primarily based on their motivation. We have prepared networking activities focused on mutual cooperation, understanding, and respect. The camp program is aimed at suppressing prejudices and stereotypes, and we will focus on celebrating ourcultures.

Participants will be involved in creating the program, we will cook together and participants will be able to conduct their own workshops.

  • Ubytování: The camp will take place in Alinkov - an old anabaptist residence near a smallvillage Čermákovice.
  • Strava: veganská

Dobrovolnická pomoc

We will be working for 5-7 hours for 10 days (we will take rest days). The work will vary depending on the weather and current needs of the Alinkov monument. But don’t worry, you won’t be beavering away at it - we might be cleaning out the building, or repairing a fence... When we won’t be working, we will have some activities prepared, but you can share your own. It can be games, workshops, sharing your knowledge on various themes,... The surrounding nature just asks for walks around the river, so bring some comfy shoes.

Na akci budeme pracovat 10 dní, každý den zhruba 6 hodin.

Malá ochutnávka

More info: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n_LxsOXvv79fvtsobsiSUBD-WPaM6clF/view

Organizační tým

Těší se na tebe Kory, Jana a Andy :).
Pořádá HB


Kontaktní osoba: Jana Scheerová
E-mail: scheerovajana@gmail.com
Telefon: +420 734 392 735
Webová stránka: odkaz