Erasmus+ for Birds

akce příroda
Místo Klubovna Moravská Nová Ves
Věk 15–26 let
Začátek akce
Cena 150
Kontaktní osoba Veronika Vlačuhová
+420 607 018 387
Akce je vhodná i pro ty, co s námi jedou poprvé.

Co na nás čeká

Cool autumn breeze, relaxed atmosphere, space for meditation and contemplation, and meaningful discussions. This is what awaits you at our next international weekend event Erasmus+ for Birds. You will meet new people from the Czech Republic and abroad, and together reaffirm that despite different cultures and customs, we all care about the same things: NATURE. This time, we will focus on cleaning birdhouses near Moravská Nová Ves and Mikulčice, creating a clean and safe environment for birds to seek shelter during the winter. The weekend event is organized by our ESC volunteers from abroad, so it will be conducted in English. However, there's no need to worry as we will help each other with translations. The program will be more relaxed, with activities such as games, getting to know each other, and enjoyable conversations, thereby collectively improving our English skills.

Co, kde a jak

We will start with a shared dinner on Friday, October 13th, at the clubhouse in Moravská Nová Ves, where we will be accommodated for the entire weekend. On Saturday, we will engage in meaningful volunteer work - cleaning birdhouses. The food will be vegan, with options for vegetarian sides and additions, lovingly prepared for us by Inas from Palestine. We will sleep on beds using our own sleeping bags.

  • Ubytování: Accommodation in a newly reconstructed clubhouse right in Moravská Nová Ves. We will sleep on beds, but you will need to bring your own sleeping bag.
  • Strava: veganská

Dobrovolnická pomoc


The working Saturday will be focused on cleaning birdhouses in the vicinity of Mikulčice and Moravská Nová Ves. The birds that find refuge in the cleaned and prepared birdhouses will be able to peacefully endure the cold winter period, and in spring, the nesting birds will lay eggs, providing a safe space for young chicks.

Na akci budeme pracovat přibližně 6 hodin denně.

Malá ochutnávka

Organizační tým

Těší se na tebe František.
Pořádá HB


Kontaktní osoba: Veronika Vlačuhová
Telefon: +420 607 018 387